City of Edinburg Jackson Drain
About the project

The Jackson Drain Edinburg is located approximately 1/4 mile south of Sprague Street on the east side of Jackson Road. The project is a partnership between HCDD1 and the City of Edinburg. The City of Edinburg after receiving numerous complaints for the non-maintenance of the ditch requested assistance from HCDD1 for the relocation of the ditch within the existing right of way. The existing ditch was shifted to the north within the ROW and did not allow for proper maintenance. The City of Edinburg maintains this system and HCDD1 had ownership of a parcel. Therefore, HCDD1 entered into an Interco-operation Local Agreement with the City of Edinburg to re-locate the ditch within the existing ROW and turn over the parcel to the city to include it in their maintenance of the system. HCDD1 through in-house engineering staff prepared the design plans and performed the construction management and inspection services for the project. HCDD1 also performed all the construction on the project.

Type of Project 2018 Bond Project
Engineer HCDD1
Contractor HCDD1
Cost TBD
Status Completed
